
Doujin moe, the hentai guide

Hentai is a fascinating subject because we think we know a lot about it, but in reality we know very little. We talk about manga porn, sex comics or any other approach.
In reality, hentai allows us to explore, through drawings, animated or not, very broad areas of sexuality and various fantasies that we can imagine without taboos. The technical freedom that drawing allows precisely allows us to give free rein to all the audacities.

This is precisely why we turn to hentai manga. There are no taboos thanks to drawing.
In any porn video, the actors and actresses are limited by their physical abilities and their interactions with the world around them. With hentai, one can imagine the intervention of imaginary creatures, using practices that are impossible to perform in reality.

Since with hentai one only has to draw to live, everything becomes imaginable and a source of pleasure. It is this variety that has allowed hentai to flourish and be celebrated in many ways today.


Because doujin is undoubtedly the best way to experience hentai in the most natural way, here you will find dozens of paper scans of manga, each one hotter than the other. All categories, from the most famous manga to the rarest nuggets, will provide you with intense moments of excitement.

Presentation of doujin - definition

What comes from Japan is not particularly well known in our Western countries. If one is not particularly interested in this culture, which is very rich but whose language often seems a barrier, one cannot know the abundance of ideas it contains.
Doujin is no exception to this rule. In the West, doujin is most often used to talk about erotic manga, and also about hentai manga without seeing the depth of the subject, which are often parodies of universes that already come from manga.

In Japan, doujin is much richer, as it can be compared to the fanzine movement. These are small-scale publications of works by professionals or confirmed amateurs, which pay homage, and not only in the pornographic universe, to better-known works. But this format also contains many original creations.

Therefore, doujin is not only the pornographic manga that is imagined, even if it represents an important part of the production.

Paper support

Initially published on paper, hentai has diversified and manga has not escaped the video trend. However, it is on paper that they continue to exist, creating and, above all, transmitting more emotions. Paper has always been the creative vector in the field of manga, whether erotic or not. Today, these creations are as numerous as ever.

The reading that you can do on this site, directly from paper publications, allows you to discover your moe doujins in their purest version and therefore the most conducive to beautiful sensations.



Alleged erotic content

The content of this site dedicated to doujins is therefore adult content. Reading the explorations on paper is not necessarily suitable for children, but it is the content that makes it suitable for adults. The erotic nature of the work already makes it a work for adults. But you won't be surprised to see in doujins also lesser known themes in Western pornography.
Tentacles, rape, gang-bang, incest, lolicon are some of the themes regularly found in doujin and reserved for an audience that knows what they are going to find in this kind of publications. Each time you read the content, you will be warned by a series of tags indicating the keywords that define the manga you are about to read.

Doujin A matter of language

Your moe doujins, you will find them here in their original language, in Asian characters, or on the contrary translated into English. French is a language that exists in the field of doujin, but it is not the most widespread due to the relatively confidential nature of this production in France.

However, there are some available on the site and you will not fail to visit it to appreciate the quality of the translation, or to appreciate many other things. Depending on your knowledge, your reading on the paper scanner will be in one language or another. And if none of them convince you, there is always the pleasure of the drawing itself.
The eroticism of the situations is transmitted through the drawings. Therefore, they are enough to enjoy a hot and pleasant visit to the doujins on this site.

Comfortable reading
On your tablet or on your computer, the doujins presented here have the best possible quality. They are made for full-screen viewing directly in your web browser or in a third-party application. In this way, you will always have the best reading comfort so that small technical problems do not spoil the pleasure of reading some naughty pages of the site.


The doujinshi, a manga hentai

Classic sexuality

The doujin is a drawing that pays homage to a creation, in the style of classic manga, but through pornography. It presents the universe of a well-known manga, let's say Naruto for example, but obviating it in a parodic way and integrating it in a very sexual universe. Thus, all types of sexuality are addressed. With the labels, we can know the content and we find first of all quite classic sex scenes for those who read hentai manga or go to porn sites. Blowjob, penetration, facial ejaculation, double penetration, interracial, domination, all this so as not to scare a fairly regular reader of this type of productions.

Extreme practices

The interest of manga, and therefore of hentai, is that the drawing allows all kinds of audacity, all kinds of imagination without taboos. This is where doujin becomes very erotic by addressing categories that we would otherwise not know. Among these categories, we find some like gang-bang or rape.
Being drawn, the woman can become the object of all fantasies, including those that could not be realized in real life.

The strength of hentai consists in allowing itself to represent these scenes. Among the most subversive, we find the lolicon, often abbreviated as lol*con for greater computer discretion. Prepubescent girls are involved in situations of sexual intercourse, orgies and sexual debauchery.
In addition to very hot scenes of double penetration, facials and the like, they are drawn in a sexy and forbidden manner.

This increases the power of these publications. There are many other themes, such as tentacles, a hentai classic in which the woman is bound in bondage by the tentacles of a giant octopus. She is the plaything of this creature that penetrates her in every imaginable way.



No taboos or limits

Because it's about drawing, because it's about fantasy, your moe doujins have no limits and no taboos. It's about depicting pornography like no movie ever could, it's about depicting women like no movie ever could. Hentai often presents these heroines in outrageous ways with proportions for men and women that would not be possible in reality.

The size of the penis makes it possible to imagine everything, allows an exciting customization of fantasies and, above all, makes it possible to invent situations that do not exist elsewhere. The breasts, flexibility and sexual capabilities of the heroines turn them into dolls that can do anything.

Whatever their desire, whatever their fantasy, it is inevitably represented in the form of a drawing to give it its strength and eroticism. We find it page after page, in a frenzy of pleasure, domination, sex, sperm. Without limits, hentai allows to express itself in each box, to offer a relationship more and more exciting as the reading progresses, and without dead times.


Doujinshi moe, unique content

Doujins, an original creation
Doujins are often the work of people who are not manga professionals. They offer a new vision of existing works or share their imagination through their publications. As a result, hentai manga offers little or no known titles from manga series. These original creations immerse the reader in a totally new and also very erotic universe. One will not fail to enjoy discovering new practices, new ways of staging them. These creations are quite common, although they are not the ones we remember the most.

Inspiration from classic manga

A good part of the production of its moe doujins is based on manga series more or less known, here or in the land of the rising sun. Among the most parodied works, or at least reproduced in a universe obsessed with the ass, are Naruto, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon or even Pokemon to name just the universally recognized works.

naruto hentai

These universes that have made children dream with their stories and derivatives also exist for the adult world. In the Pokémon hentai manga, for example, the trainers obviously spend their time sleeping together in every situation. But Pokémon are also part of the game, and it's not uncommon to find a trainer filling in every gap with a Pokémon with a suitable physiognomy.

With their characters and all the different styles out there, there's bound to be one that allows for all sorts of daring. And sometimes they are also the target of trainers who sexually train them. In Dragon Ball, the superhuman strength of San Goku and his friends, originally endowed with a tail, allows them to fulfill all their fantasies. The Turtle Genie becomes a libidinous old pervert and San Goku's aura allows him to find girls galore to give him the greediest blowjobs.

The examples are numerous and the initial universe is nicely relegated to the background to focus only on the sex scenes. They are so numerous that they are the only content of these hentai manga.

Parody as homage

These moe doujins are a relatively confidential production that is presented primarily as an homage to the original work. Most of the time the original work deviates in a parodic and sexual way.
Despite the scandalous postures, female representations and rather harsh practices, hentai is also a tribute. A manga that leaves no one indifferent can be a very good vehicle for sexual pleasure.

A manga can arouse emotions through what the characters experience. From these emotions arise feelings of sexual attraction. Therefore, it is normal that this is expressed through sexuality and fantasies that are visually represented with these same manga characters.


one piece hentai

Here you will find a large collection of hentai manga. Your moe doujins are sorted by categories to quickly find the one that interests you the most. All sexualities and deviations are presented in these highly erotic pages.

A very exciting reading that you won't get tired of so much because of the quality of the drawings, their exciting strength and the quality of the display on your screen for your comfort.

Those who enter for the first time in the hidden world of erotica, will certainly find there their first emotions in front of the scenes without taboo or limit that allow moe doujins of a powerful eroticism. Good reading to all on this site.