One Piece is a manga and anime series originally created by cartoonist Eiichirō Oda. Its phenomenal success in Japan and around the world has led the cartoonist to broadcast it on Japanese television since 1998. It is the best-selling manga series in Japan and Europe, and each volume ranks among the Japanese box office records when it is released.
There are many hentai versions of One Piece that use characters from the series to show sexually explicit scenes. Gujira 4 Gou is one of the best video creators with his title Hodhua, which reveals a whole series of pornographic scenes through cartoons: double penetration, anal practice, sex with schoolgirls, fellatio, individual or collective masturbation, peeping toms, threesomes or group sex, rape and sex with large-breasted women.
For his part, cartoonist Kenix also reveals himself with his pornographic series Orange Pie, which shows sexual scenes linked to drug use: big breasts (oppai), fellatio (oral), group sex, etc.