Naruto is a comic book and anime series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. The plot of the saga tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a Japanese teenager who, wanting to be a ninja, aspires to become the ninja of his village, and to become the undisputed leader of the villagers.
Several hentai versions of Naruto circulate on the net, as video creators are aware of all the new trends observed in the field of manga. Among the most popular Naruto hentai video creators on the net is Celluloid-Acme, which developed its title Issues in homage to the Naruto saga, but contains many sexually explicit scenes such as fellatios, slave sex, sex between siblings, female or male masturbation, rape, sex between students and teachers, funny sex, and so on.
The video also reveals sexual practices such as BDSM (sex through punishment, sadism and masochism). Find also other videos published by Celluloid-Acme, such as The Secret. Other creators of Naruto videos retransmitted in hentai version are following in the footsteps of Celluloid-Acme.