Foster House for Imaginary Friends is an animated work by Craig McCracken, also known for Les Super Nanas. While you might think this series is rather mundane, that changes completely when the hentai version hatches. Many of you have asked for it, which is why I'm delighted to present it to you: Foster's Home Hentai, Imaginary Sexfriends. The characters, however innocent they may seem in the original version, are transformed into real sex hounds or merry widows with a taste for cream candies and naughty acrobatics. Of course, the hentai version is quite daring and popular, but it can't really compete with the major series of the moment, such as One Piece or Dragon Ball.
So, what is Maison Foster? It's a super-tagada cartoon set in a fantasy world where everyone dreams of living. In this realm, man and imaginary friend live side by side. Yes, in this series, imaginary friends come to life. Just imagine! My imaginary friend had big, expressive eyes, a charming smile, seductive lips, satiny skin, and she was never averse to a little indulgence or a session of wild gallivanting. She resembled a Sabrina Salerno that only I could caress to my heart's content, whenever I was in the mood, that is, forty times a day when I hadn't yet lost my crown of laurels. And you, what was your imaginary friend like? While we're waiting for your answers, let's take a look at the heroines we can admire in their Eve garb.
Frankie is a human, or to be more precise, a twenty-two-year-old redhead, nicknamed "P'tite Miss Frances" by Mr. Herriman. Frankie is the chief vacuum cleaner and helps to keep Foster House calm. Although Mr. Herriman gives her strict orders, and she's largely aggressive towards Bloo for his attitude, she remains friendly and a good listener, especially when it comes to bending over backwards to satisfy everyone's requests. She's pretty much the only heroine of note in the anime, as the other characters are all either males or creatures too bizarre to feature in a hentai version. So, what does the hentai version of Maison Foster have to offer? Frankie is one of the most coveted heroines of 2019. But why? That's a mystery, but many hentai artists have taken great pleasure in parodying her. And we don't mind at all, because she's really well drawn. You can admire her from every angle and in every position, from exhibition to torrid sex, as well as soft scenes, lesbian or with heroines from other animes. In any case, her version is varied, and perfect for making yourself feel good.
Almost non-existent! We can, however, highlight the appearance of a few characters, such as Eurotrish and others. For simplicity's sake, here are some hentai shots of her.
Eurotrish nude
Bloo, the libidinous imaginary friend
I have to admit that the other characters aren't as attractive as sweet Frankie. It's a shame there aren't more ladies to bare in this Foster House parody; the creators could have vastly improved on that. But as I said, there's still plenty to enjoy. There are still many cartoons of this kind, which have a substantial hentai audience, and I'll be sure to tell you about them soon. To conclude this subject, the anime ended in 2009, but it has continued to be broadcast on numerous channels for over 10 years, and it's still the talk of the town, so you understand its success? It's in-dis-pen-sable!