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Kid Icarus hentai, the return of Palutena and her big tits

While the world is full of young games full of Slash, Bang, and Boom, it's easy to forget the classics of yesteryear. That's why I'm here today to remind you of one of them: Kid Icarus Hentai. And of course, I wouldn't do it without a very good reason - it concerns our beautiful and voluptuous Palutena. The first Kid Icarus game was released on NES in 1986, and despite the latest remake on Nintendo 3DS in 2010, this old gem seemed destined to remain quietly in our video game memories. At least, that's what we thought until our revered heroine Palutena was ranked among the top hentai heroines in November 2019. A remarkable feat for a character that dates back more than three decades.

Kid Icarus' storyline was not strikingly original, a mix of gods and humans living in harmony until the arrival of the evil Medusa and her army of monsters. A brave hero, Pit, stands up and strives to defeat the evil. It's standard 80s platform game fare. In the middle of it all, there's Palutena: Pit's shoulder to lean on, a pillar of support. It didn't take long for fans to turn the game into erotic parodies, with Palutena in the lead, becoming a popular icon. When I learned that she was still a sought-after hentai heroine, I could only smile. It has to be seen to be understood, so let's get on with it...

Palutena revealed in the hentai version of Kid Icarus

If you look at her original appearance in the first game (see image above), you can see that even in her pixelated form, Palutena was already endowed with generous curves. Over the years, she's transformed into a beautiful, voluptuous goddess and remains etched in our memories. In the hentai world, Palutena is quite daring. She offers us many scenes in which she shows off her intimacy and generous breasts, but also some more hardcore moments. Want to see our heroine Pit climbing on top of her, or Palutena herself tasting the hero's nectar? Just look at the hentai version of Kid Icarus for a taste.

Wait a second, I'm not ready to give up on Palutena just yet. Here's a 3D video to show you her splendor from another angle. It shows our heroine in action, even sleeping with the infamous Link from Zelda hentai.

Naughty Goddess Club in a Kid Icarus parody

Kid Icarus is chock-full of sexy goddesses, but not all of them are going to strip for you. Let me introduce you to some of the most represented hentai heroines.

The undressed Medusa, the game's antagonist

Who says villains can't be charming? Medusa, with her snakes as hair, is a real temptress. To tell you the truth, in a world where everyone sleeps with everyone else, Medusa feels a little neglected because of her scary head. And so she rebelled and started wreaking havoc. In short, she's a frustrated goddess who lacks action, and if Pit had taken the time to satisfy her, the world would surely be a calmer place today.

Viridi unveiled, the naughty blonde of the game

This young woman may be a grouch, but she's also an irreplaceable Kid Icarus hentai character. She's the second most frequently reincarnated hentai character in the game. And while the number of her erotic images may seem modest, they're nonetheless worth the detour. For example, you can see her opening herself up to your pleasure in many indecent positions, and rest assured, this goddess can take you head-on, no matter how well equipped you are.

And so, my nostalgic excursion into the hentai world of Kid Icarus comes to an end. I hope you've enjoyed the journey as much as I have. If Kid Icarus is ever revived, rest assured that I'll be there to talk about it again.