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Yuffie Kisaragi naked, heroine of Final Fantasy 7 Remake hentai

After dreaming with the hentai variant of the gorgeous Tifa Lockheart, and seeing your amazed faces at the porn version ofAeris Gainsborough, the enormous thrill of telling you about Final Fantasy 7 Remake's third most prominent heroine - naked Yuffie Kisaragi, was undeniable. Of course, we're going to savor the best this seductive heroine has to offer in the realm of sex, with parodies that are sure to make you fall in love.

In truth, Yuffie is hardly what you'd consider a main heroine, since in the first installment of FF7, she wasn't even essential. Neither for the plot, nor even for our crack team. Despite her captivating and original story, Yuffie remains a heroine who wasn't really necessary. Acquiring her was no easy task. Some players, on their first PlayStation game, never managed to unlock her.

In the FF7 Remake trailers, Yuffie is nowhere to be seen, and with good reason: the first episode of the long-awaited remake, set for March 3, 2020, will take place entirely in Midgar. However, in this metropolis, unless the scriptwriters have a few tricks up their sleeve to lure us in with the fabulous heroine, Yuffie simply isn't there. In the original version, we meet Yuffie around the middle of the first CD (of 3), after the events of the Gold Saucer, and after we've obtained the buggy. I remember very well, because in my current new game on Steam, I'm exactly at that point. And unlocking this rascal took a while, because I'd forgotten which dialogues to choose to get there. Speaking of naughty, how about her hentai version...?

Yuffie Kisaragi's hentai temperament in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

To discover Yuffie's new appearance in FF7 Remake, we'll probably have to wait 1-2 years after the game's release. Although in FF7 Advent Children we can get an idea of her Remake version, it's impossible to say whether she'll be improved. Tifa lost chest volume in her redesign, Aeris gained a Westernized look, but we don't yet know anything about Yuffie. She has an Asian look, which is reflected in her country of origin, Wutai. If naked Asian heroines appeal to you, Yuffie is sure to be your favorite character in FF7, especially as she's one of the most popular RPG characters of all time. To convince you of this, let's take a closer look at her hentai version.

Yuffie is a materia thief, and what do you think she does with it? Exactly, she uses them as sex toys. Whether it's to conceal them after stealing them, or simply for her own personal pleasure. Depending on the color and power of a materia, she always enjoys it more. This is the idea that the hentai designers developed for this character, in direct relation to the events of the game. Because of her status as a non-main character, she's not as famous as Tifa and Aeris, she's less beautiful and has far less content. But what we do find about her is rather interesting, even if it generally remains rather soft.

There are many hard hentai scenes featuring Yuffie, showing her in a more hardcore light. Hentai artists have loved depicting her, either as a lesbian or alongside the other characters in the game, particularly Red XIII, without too many eccentricities. So her hentai version fits in perfectly with her character: exceptional, but not indispensable.

Doujins on the Yuffie website: https: //